7 luglio 2012

Have a chat

Mi è stato chiesto da Vincenzo Di Caro, lettore come voi di Postillare, di pubblicare un suo breve racconto in inglese, affinché potesse "aggiustare il tiro", come lui stesso ha detto, di quella che potrebbe diventare una intrigante ed interessante lunga storia (anche se non è questo l'intento, non si sa mai!).

Vincenzo di Caro è nato a Palermo, ma vive a Delia. Egli è un arabista e insegnante di italiano a stranieri in formazione. Inoltre è anche fondatore e bassista del gruppo musicale "Opere di Carta"(di cui cura i testi) e aspirante narratore.

"Have a chat" è un primo esperimento in inglese, che ha ovviamente bisogno del maggior numero di feedback.

Avrei voluto mettere la traduzione, ma essendomi stata consegnata così, non ho voluto fare di testa mia! Non temete, si tratta di una lettura scorrevole ed intuitiva(se siete disperati ricorrete a google traduttore, anche se non è il massimo ehehe).

ps: colgo l'occasione per invitare chiunque voglia pubblicare qualcosa a chiedere senza esitare!

Buona lettura!

Freddy switched on his computer and checked if there was any of his friends online to have a quick chat before going to bed. Jason was online, but on a “be right back” status. Lizzy was not available to chat. Jamal had appeared as being available but they had not had a good jaw for ages. Nevertheless, Freddy decided to say hello to him.
In the other room, Dr. Johnson, or T.J. – as Freddy had got used to call him – was carefully rechecking his figures for accuracy without saying a word, before going out for another expedition.
Freddy: Hi Jamal, are you there?
Jamal: No :O
Freddy: Ahahahah, are you surprised?
Jamal: You probably must have opened the wrong window…
Freddy: Jamooo, shut up!
Jamal: Ahahah just kidding. Freddy… my friend… long time no talk! How are you?
F.: I’m fine Jamo. I’m so glad you’re online. How are things?
J.: Everything’s OK man. What’s up there?
F.: Nothing… I’m just a little bored. I’m fed up with analyzing my stones. There’s a lot of them out there and I’m afraid I’ll have to work all day long tomorrow. Many of them look alike and I have to be very careful, you know…
J.: I see bro…
F.: Too many tiny details to check…and I also have to finish my essay for Dr. Singh. She’s coming here from Cairo in two days
J.: Freddy, wasn’t that what you’ve wanted to do since you were a child?
F.: You’re right bro. Sorry for boring you
J. No problem Freddy! Forget about your stones now and relax. I’m watching the Lakers at the moment… what a match Thompson is having!
F.: Yeah, LA has always had great teams…
J.: LA? Freddy, what are you talking about? The Lakers moved to Cincinnati more than 3 years ago
F.: Ahahahah sorry Jamo, I’m not the ardent follower I used to be in the past. My team, Boston, isn’t doing well lately and I rarely find a running online channel to watch their matches. I just check the results every now and then
J.: It seems like Boston, in one way or the other, always gives you pain, bro
F.: Well, not always actually. I’m very thankful to MIT for my job. But you know… seeing the same faces all the time surrounded by sand and rocks can be hard sometimes
J.:  But when you were a student at MIT you were too busy studying you never wanted to see anyone. Life is strange =)
F.: Indeed, Jamo =).
J.: You know bro, My sister Catherine is having a six-month internship in the Kodiak Island, in Alaska. Whenever we happen to have a chat – not so often actually –  she usually makes the same complaint… I mean, the one you’ve just made.
F.: Lil’ Cathy? Are you kidding me?
J.: Yeah, in the flesh :)
F.: Tell her I’m so proud of her. What exactly is she doing there?
J.: She’s a marine biologist. She is analyzing plankton and bacteria without seeing anyone except her crew. And she’ll be doing that for a great deal of time
F.: Without seeing anyone… as long as you consider big bears not worth a meeting…
J.: Loool. Hold on Freddy. I’m chilling. I need some hot tea. Be right back
F.: Ok, Jamo
J.: I’m back. It’s so cold in here. I need another cup of tea!
F.: I guess your sister wouldn’t agree were she in your shoes =)
J.: Ahahah. Well, she’s living in harsh temperatures, that’s true. But man… I’m freezing too! It’s easy to talk for you. It must be very hot there. What’s the temp there? 40? 45?
F.: Ahaha nope. Only 26, every day :)
J.: You’re lucky man :)
F.: Come and pay me a visit then!
J.: Ahah I wish I could Freddy… you’re not alone there, are you?
F.: There’s T.J. here with me but he’s always so silent and reserved. I mean… even if he’s a nice person, I feel like I can’t stand him any longer…
J.: Hang on bro!
F.: Thank you for supporting me bro! I’ll try to hang on. But first I’ll try to sleep =)
J.: Then, good night Freddy. I’ll get back to my match
F.: Up the Lakers! =)
Freddy switched off his multivirtual device. As the processor closed all its operations, the three screens on the desk slowly faded away and Freddy went to the bathroom. Then he came back to his bedroom, set the alarm clock and went to bed. Out the white window wall of his room the land was quiet and silent as usual. One day less to the end of his mission, he thought. He could have never imagined how alienating it could be living in his temporary abode, the Moon. But he would soon be given a new task by Dr. Singh of the “Clifford Ayeka International Research Organisation”. A new mission, even farther from home.

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